Alec's Brave New World Travel Brochure!  

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse is not only a beautiful vantage point, but it also houses a dark past. The lighthouse is the site of a grave and unsightly death of a young man named John the Savage. John the savage was born in on a savage reservation by his mother Linda, a woman who had been left behind and forgotten by the rest. He was raised as any other child would be without proper conditioning, but to residents at the World State; he was known as an outcast. 

When John was in his teens he was found and brought to the World State, a new beginning for John! Or was it the beginning of the end? John wasn't normal, and he didn't fit in. To everyone at the World State he was known as John the Savage, and was treated as a tourist attraction. 

After spending some time at the World State, and after experiencing his mothers death, John was sent to the Island by Mustapha Mond because of his unorthodox beliefs and actions. John took refuge in a lighthouse that he found on the island. He managed to keep his purity throughout his life, but after breaking his self trust he hung himself inside that very lighthouse. During his life, John learned two very important lessons: 1) Never try to disrupt Community, Identity, Stability! Also 2) Science is nothing to mess with..... 

Now the lighthouse is a popular tourist attraction, and is sometimes said to be haunted! Tours are given almost everyday, and are a great thrill to all who come to enjoy.